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What Is The Best Free Keyword Research Tool For Seo

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Looking for the perfect free keyword research tool for your SEO needs? Look no further! Finding the best tool can be a bit tricky, but fear not, because we’re here to guide you.

In this article, we’ll explore the top options available to you.

First up is Moz Keyword Explorer, an excellent all-around tool for comprehensive keyword research.

If you’re interested in paid keywords, Google Keyword Planner is your go-to.

Ahrefs offers simple yet effective SEO tools, while Semrush is more advanced and ideal for SEO professionals.

As you evaluate these tools, consider factors like included data, data sources, and keyword optimization guidance.

Remember, the best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

So, let’s dive in and find your perfect match!

Key Takeaways

  • Moz Keyword Explorer and Semrush are comprehensive keyword research tools trusted by professionals in the industry.
  • Answer The Public and Google Keyword Planner are valuable and user-friendly free keyword research tools that provide search volume levels for keyword popularity.
  • Google Search Console is a free keyword research tool provided by Google that enhances website visibility and drives organic traffic.
  • Google Trends is a powerful free keyword research tool that identifies trending keywords and search patterns, and provides valuable insights into public interest in various topics.

Semrush (Web)



If you’re looking for a reliable and user-friendly keyword research tool, Semrush (Web) is a great option. With its wide range of specialized keyword research tools and a generous free plan, Semrush (Web) offers everything you need to optimize your SEO strategy.

The Semrush Keyword Magic Tool stands out with its extensive keyword database of over 24 billion keywords across 142 international databases. It allows you to apply filters like Questions, Broad Match, Phrase Match, Exact Match, Related, Languages, Volume, KD %, and Intent, giving you the flexibility to find the perfect keywords for your target audience.

Additionally, Semrush’s Keyword Overview provides a detailed overview of any keyword, generating related keyword ideas and offering key metrics like Volume, Keyword Difficulty, and Intent.

With Semrush’s Keyword Manager, you can easily create and maintain a keywords list, track chosen keywords, and organize them into clusters based on search intent.

Semrush (Web) truly is a powerful and comprehensive tool for all your keyword research needs.

Answer The Public

Answer The Public is a valuable and user-friendly free keyword research tool for SEO. It uses autocomplete to generate popular keyword questions and ideas in various categories.

By entering a broad topic and target country, you can discover unique and overlooked keyword ideas. The tool provides search volume levels through red circles, allowing you to gauge keyword popularity.

When combined with other keyword research tools like Ahrefs and Google Keyword Planner, Answer The Public becomes even more powerful. It can supplement your keyword research by providing additional keyword ideas and helping you uncover untapped opportunities.

Google Keyword Planner

When it comes to free keyword research tools for SEO, one tool that stands out is Google Keyword Planner. This tool, provided by Google itself, offers valuable insights into keyword search volume, keyword difficulty, and keyword suggestions.

With Google Keyword Planner, you can generate keyword lists and explore monthly search volume data, allowing you to optimize your website for organic search. While it may not have as many advanced features as paid keyword research tools, Google Keyword Planner remains a reliable option for SEO professionals.

Its ability to provide keyword suggestions and search volume ranges makes it a valuable asset for keyword research. If you’re looking for a free keyword search tool, Google Keyword Planner is definitely worth considering.

Google Search Console

To get the most out of your SEO keyword research, turn to the power of Google Search Console. This free keyword research tool provided by Google can help you find the right keywords for your website.

With Google Search Console, you can access search volume data, see how your keywords are performing in search engine results, and even discover related keywords that you mightn’t have thought of.

By using keyword research and analyzing the data provided by Google Search Console, you can create a comprehensive keyword list that will help improve your website’s visibility and drive more organic traffic.

Don’t overlook the valuable insights that Google Search Console can provide to enhance your SEO strategy.

Google Trends

Discover trending keywords and understand search patterns with the powerful free keyword research tool for SEO, Google Trends.

This tool allows you to use data to find the best keywords for your website or content. By analyzing search trends over time, you can identify popular topics and related ideas that can help improve your search engine rankings.

With Google Trends, you can also see the popularity of a keyword by region, which can be useful for targeting specific audiences. Unlike paid keyword research tools, Google Trends is completely free to use and provides valuable insights into public interest in various topics.

Whether you’re looking to find trending keywords or understand search patterns, Google Trends is a must-have tool for any SEO professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Find the Best SEO Keywords for Free?

To find the best free SEO keywords, try utilizing top strategies like competitor analysis, user-generated content, and long tail keywords. Also, leverage free resources like social media platforms and trending topics to uncover hidden keywords.

Which Is the Best Tool for SEO Keyword Research?

The best tool for SEO keyword research depends on your needs and expertise. Moz Keyword Explorer is versatile, Google Keyword Planner is great for paid keywords, Ahrefs covers various platforms, and Semrush is advanced. AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard offer simplicity but lack depth.

Does Google Have a Free Keyword Search Tool?

Yes, Google does have a free keyword search tool called Google Keyword Planner. It’s a valuable tool for SEO keyword research, providing search volume ranges and related keywords for optimizing your website’s content.

Which Keyword Tool Is Most Accurate?

The most accurate keyword tool depends on your specific needs. Consider Ahrefs or Semrush for comprehensive data, Google Keyword Planner for paid keywords, and combining multiple sources for enhanced accuracy.

Picture of Dominic Schultz

Dominic Schultz

Founder | Digon Design

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